Nov 22, 2009

How to Earn Lots of money online scamming people by selling Troopal craigslist marketing software

... and what I really want you, The Buyer, to consider:

Why is Joshua McClure raising his prices on his craigslist marketing software when he's being sued by craiglist for selling that software? Is he crazy? Is he desperate? Well yes to both - and it is beginning to appear that he hopes to earn lots of money online scamming as many people as humanly possible {by using 1 hand again|using both hands this time} and as quickly as possible before his runs out.

Deafndumbant Joshua McClure is pretty cunning :: "cunning": not to be confused with intelligent or thoughtful or being in possession of native wit ...

Buyer beware :: If you, The Buyer, are searching Google to find a craigslist marketing software solution to automate your craigslist postings; do you really want to buy your software from someone who is being sued by craigslist for selling craigslist marketing software? The quick answer to this question is: you may have no choice :: as of this writing all the major craiglist marketing software companies are currently being sued by craigslist - and they are

CLAD aka John Doe :: google for more info
clbotpro aka John Doe  :: keep googling
Troopal aka Troopal Strategies, Inc., TOM Games, Inc., Joshua McClure :: if you're regular reader of this blog or a ripped off consumer of Troopal's then skip the Google part

If you're looking for craigslist posting software to automate your craigslist postings then quite {frankly|boldly} I suggest you either check out CLAD or clbotpro. Why? Typically in these types of lawsuits attorneys will subpoena the defendant's customer information :: well they can ask John Doe for this information until the cows come home; how successful they are in actually obtaining this information is directly related to both the integrity of the defendant and/or how easy it is to figure out: who is John Doe? In the case of Joshua McClure and Troopal Sucks, conveniently located {BEHIND MILITARY LINES|IN A CEASE AND DESIST ORDER ADDRESSED TO YOU, THE BUYER, SERVED PIPING HOT DIRECTLY TO  YOUR FRONT DOOR!} ...

Note: I'm not a big fan of craigslist's litigious habits—suing everyone autoposting software company they can get their hands on {while they grant wide birth to every prostitute on planet earth, making it easy as 1-2-3 to create a virtual ecommerce sex empire.} In addition to spending so much time and money suing the creators of autoposting tools—craigslist could very well choose to spend as much time and money shutting down the illegal prostitution on craigslist as they do fighting spam on craigslist.

... what this could mean to you, The Buyer, is that all of your personal information may very well be turned over into the hands of the plantiff's attorneys. In these types of cases the plantiff's attorneys typically attempt to cut a deal with the defendant::troopal::in exchange for {reduced legal damages?} by :: you guessed it :: pressuring the deafndumbant to turn over your customer information. What could this mean for you, The Buyer? It could mean that your personal customer information could be used to pester you, The Buyer ... which is not necessarily a big deal, but you never know. Why take the chance: and help Joshua McClure spam his hungry bank account with oodles of your cold hard $$$. Oh I'm sure he started out with good intentions ... yet it's hard to dismiss the fact that he did lie about his infrastructure just to gain your trust and get your business {so that he could set your credit card to auto-suck your precious money, every month.}

A lil disclaimer please: craigslist marketing software aka autoposting tools in of themselves are not inherantly bad—for crying out loud, hello: earth to craigslist, come in! They can cut down on redundant tasks and free you to spend more time building your business {ask any realtor or small business owner who uses one.}

So if you, The Potential Buyer, decide to automate your craigslist postings then do ask yourself this. All software being sorta equal anyway :: I'll get to the comparison chart later :: would you rather do business with a John Doe or Troopal Strategies, Inc., TOM Games, Inc., Joshua McClure aka Troopal sucks? The answer to this question can be found by investigating the integrity of the defendant—in this case known as Troopal Strategies, Inc., TOM Games, Inc., Joshua McClure. You've been warned.

Anywho and whereforto, Joshua McClure is busily raising prices on his cl posting software forum membership, being sued by craigslist for selling his cl posting software, and happily taking your money — while in contact with craigslist — and entertaining the financial logic of turning over his entire customer list ... which incidentally, was compromised once already after was hacked weeks ago. A hacking; a leaking of confidential customer information - customer information that Joshua could have protected by keeping his customer database on that non-existent "back up server" he both: lied about having in place and—used this very lie to bamboozle then scam people into believing that his company was offering a secure and private product.

Anyone with half of a brain would cease and desist
— but not Joshua McClure and his ... uh ... Troopal Strategies.
Brazen & stupid, and stupidly brazen, he has also recently raised prices  

{wtf alert}

As of the writing of my last post ::
Regular Membership has been raised from $39.99
to a wallet smashing, eye ball confounding $59.99!

Troopal's Legal issues, and Joshua McClure's morality aside, this price hike just begs the question: are Troopal's current paying forum members getting better customer service now that potential buyers are being asked to pay $59.99 monthly? {also please note: buyer be aware: if you're stupid enough to fall for this and decide to buy this software, agree to these expensive terms, use this software and love it, make money with it, but then figure out that the monthly forum membership is a total scam ... too bad. Be prepared to lose access the the license server this software connects to and thereby: lose your ability to use the software—wow what a deal, sign me up now} Also, be aware, due to craigslists recent major changes :: to be discussed in depth next time we get together :: using craigslist is not as easy as it was a mere month ago and one would think that when a company's entire business model is under hostile attack, well that might be the time to woo new clients in with lower prices and solid customer support in place. Joshua has decided that this tact is not going to serve him and his wallet - as for his customers (who incidentally, should be irate and willing to attempt to make Joshua accountable) I'm sorry, but you people are really pathetic to lie down and let Joshua get away with this.

Joshua's price increase; the timing here alone is
compelling evidence for the exponential growth of stupidity and scandalousness

 Coinkydink; or desperado SCAMMING ALERT? 
You decide.

{click the image above to convert your wallet into an empty container!}

Please note: comments are open. Tell me I'm wrong.

Updated as of Nov 25, '09: looks like Troopal Strategies' Joshua McClure the prices of his craigslist ad poster prices once again (note to self: see an opthamologist soon.) But more likely - he has opted to no longer publically advertise its cost. Rest assured however, there is a cost for those services - and possibly a few hidden costs for you if you decide to make that purchase. Happy "Thanksgiving ..."


Nov 20, 2009

Joshua McClure and Troopal Sucks belong in the same url

I repeat: Joshua McClure and Troopal Sucks belong in the same url - and that's final. If you don't believe this is a true statement and you're still thinking of signing up for Troopal's $80 "Pro Membership" then check this out for yourself and then decide that throwing away money every month is wise idea.

Now, in all fairness to the two {EX EMPLOYEES|SMART PEOPLE} :: postsalot and deatos

Joshua would have done well by treating well the people
who helped Joshua make ridiculously huge piles of money!

Customer service is not rocket science but it does require a little common sense. Here's what you do when you advertise your 800 number online and then pretend to want your customers calling in :: ready? :: regardless of whether that customer is paying $20 a month for a membership or $80 a month for premium membership you handle the customer's needs until the customer is %100 satisfied; you treat every customer as if you are grateful for their patronage. If that's too big a chore then hire more people, or put a cork in it.  And if you were super savvy—Joshua—being nice would have opened up negotiation between you and your bamboozled but happy customer; you could have {SCAMMED YOUR CUSTOMER SO MUCH HARDER|PIMPED YOUR SCAMMY $80 PRO MEMBERSHIP...}. For the sake of this particular customer — thank goodness you are not nice — Joshua.

and {link} What is this? 
It's one of Troopal's customers trying to get help with his/her cl autoposter ... only this customer is obviously not on Troopal's forum ::toto i have a feeling we're not in kansas anymore:: This customer should be able to get the answers he/she seeks directly from Troopal's forum because this customer pays Joshua at least $40 dollars a month to be a member of his useless online forum; the premise of their $40 regular membership being: at this level, you're pretty much on your own! you can ask for help from our other users and they'll be glad to help. Well, that's what Joshua is banking on.

Anywho. A review of the sentiments of my last post, wherein I barely skim the surface of the immense suckatude contained within Joshua McClure's now 1-man ::citation needed:: operated show over at his forum

Joshua McClure and Troopal Sucks belong in the same URL


Nov 18, 2009

craigslist marketing software

craigslist marketing software defined:  a bot. a tool used to automate the posting process on craigslist.

All software is not created equal. Do your research and find the solution that works best for you. Often times companies offering this type of software will give potential buyers the chance to demo a software prior to making the final purchase decision.

While having support to learn software is often crucial, how you obtain that support is just as crucial. If this is the case, please make sure the company you choose is able to offer the support and training materials you need to succeed.

The author of this blog is not affiliated with any craigslist marketing software and cannot recommend which software is best for your personal needs. However, buyer be aware. Do your research prior to making your final purchase decision.

Nov 17, 2009

Joshua McClure - we demand Troopal sucks no more!

Joshua McClure, self proclaimed SOCIAL MEDIA GURU :: INTERNET MARKETING STRATEGIST :: and founder of  Craigslist Posting Software - Troopal Sucks {Hard|And Then Sucks $80 Dollars From Your Credit Card Each Month; Billed As "Pro Membership"} would have made Tom Sawyer proud. Anywho, let's just begin to discuss how bad Joshua sucks.

What exactly is an "internet marketing strategissst"? 
wikipedia defines strategist as: a person skilled in designing and planning action and policy to achieve a major or overall aim.
overall aim. So...then...logically, it would follow that part of the "overall aim" of a competent and smart internet marketing strategist would be to create a sustainable income. So. What's the deal with all the short spurts; those startup-then-fizzles?

Just visit his forum and you'll see that it's ghosted. It looks like unstable territory ahead. Can I offer you an $80 donation.

Internet. Marketing. Strategist.
:: next ::  

FACT: Joshua mcclure has been been a very naughty boy and busily bamboozling his customers out of $80 dollars a month to be a "Pro member" on his now completely useless and unmanned forum :: Tell me I'm wrong.
If you absolutely need troopal sucks; I mean, reeeally reeeally need it ::
then at least do yourself a favor and downgrade from pro to reg

Pull your head out...
stop being lied to and lead on!
Don't be an idiot.

Stop giving Joshua McClure
your money for this Pro member B.S.

Demand pro member features.
Demand accountability from Joshua.
Demand that he deliver the goods :: 

He can't. He won't. I don't have to tell you.
You are going to keep on throwing away your $$$$ once a month.
Go ahead then, be an idiot despite the fact that:
Deep deeeeep downnnnn 
troopal sucks

Company info on Troopal Strategies :: information; readily available on their web site as of this writing:

THE COMPANY  ::  wikipedia defines company as: a real company is a form of business organization :: business organization ::BEAVIS, uhhhhuhhuhehuh they said ... businezz orgaztion uhuhhhhhehuhhh

Who is Troopal Sucks?

Troopal Strategies, Inc. is based in Panama City, Panama. Troopal was formed by a group of EAPD users and licensed the software rights after EasyAd, LLC. was sued by Craigslist and stopped updating EasyAd Poster. Troopal Strategies is in no way affiliated with EzAd, LLC., Mesiab Labs, or Craigslist. The support team resides all over the world with the headquarters located in beautiful Panama City, Panama. The laws of Panama protect Troopal from being sued under U.S. law by Craigslist. Additionally, Our poster does not agree to the Craigslist Terms of Use and opt all EAPD users out of agreeing to the Craigslist Terms of Use automatically.

Nov 16, 2009

Joshua Mc Clure | Craiglist Posting Software | category 5 Disaster Joshua | BEHIND MILITARY INSTALLATIOnzzz

Joshua Mc Clure of Troopal Strategies :: "STRATAGIES" :: BEAVIS...EH HEH EH UHUHUH :: FART :: HE SAID STRATEGY :: BELCH is being sued by one of the biggest lord of internets on the planet :: our beloved :: but not the craiglist we're all used to; the one in PANNNNAMMMMMMMAHHHH :: FART :: We love you craig. We really do. We love you but we hate you and we love to hate you—which translates to we love you because you don't really do that much but tweet about squirells so
:: enough introduction

Let's talk about Joshua of Troopal StrategiesNo, let's save that for another post and another {POST|LINK|TIME}

:: the following post was deleted from early this morning. Really early. Probably around 3am, when most decent b|ACK|:hat|terz are sleeping it off. The poster in question apparently had her entire posting history {DELETED|AND ACCOUNT SUMMARILY BANNED}{,|!|:} {WHATEVER|OY|GET A LIFE JOSHUA} by Herr Furor McCluror himself. 'Course that might be a rumor, too, but I hear tell she can't log in anymore :: a mass exodus on the personel front left Herr Furor McCluror Moneybagor lone wolf :: so someone didit :: well only she knows if she's dead and she ain't talkin'. She's probably {FURIOUSLY|BUSILY|HAPPILY} {LINKING|PLOTTING TO RECOVER LOST PROFITS} someplace and someplace else and someplace else and someplace else :: wink ::

Post Re: Cancel your subs right away!!!
I cancelled; my membership is dead as of Nov 20. I cancelled not because I'm afraid of CL. I did it because I'm fed up with the crap that passes for professional around here.

Let's just look at the facts. Troopal has had more downtime since they launched than Kevin had in a year. Kevin was proactive and vocal and made sure people understood what was going on. He wasn't always cheery but he stood upright and handed the information to us blow by blow; he was involved until he simply could no longer remain involved.

Joshua lies. He lied about the servers, literally weaved an entire scenario around some ridiculous story about the servers being located within some military installation, then went on about how downtime wouldn't be an issue because they had a backup server just in case.

I, personally, lost plenty of time and money on more than one occasion when the (non existent) backup server didn't pick up where the ailing one "broke". Hardware failures aplenty, always seemed to be a hardware failure at the most inopportune times. With the amount of money Joshua was receiving per month I can't see any valid reason why he wouldn't have invested in a decent set of hardware. No, I have no idea what hardware costs run, but I do know enough to know when to keep my mouth shut and when to tell the truth, or at the very least give status updates in a timely manner. Having to wait sometimes more than 48 hours is unacceptable. Yes, we all recieved status updates...sometimes 48 into downtime. That's 48 hours worth lost profits and 48 hours worth of headaches and 48 hours worth of placing trust in a company word.

Let's take a look at how Troopal's customers were treated. After the "hacking" several months ago Troopal reset the system and told us all that we needed to go through a few stages to reset our passwords. Well guess what? Many many many people were unable to access the forum because no one was around to walk them through that confusion.

Where was Joshua? off on vacation. Apparently having a good old time someplace where internet connections are few and far between.

The database. The one supposedly located on a separate server...mmmbeeeeehinddd MILITARY INSTALLATIONS. Well apparently military installation wasn't enough to prevent Troopal's database from leaking all over this planet and then blasting upward toward a few other nearby asteroids. Aliens now have all of our personal information and they're conducting experiments on us as we speak. HE ALLOWED THE DATABASE TO BE RAPED AND PILLAGED when he took our money; money we trusted him with based on his word, his sales pitch, and then put our info right smack in harms way. So much for security. And, as if this wasn't bad enough, his company located in Pppppppanananaama didn't protect his and consequently our customer information. He made spectacle enough of himself so that craigslist was able to practically knock on Joshua's front door. Panama. Right. Let's talk about security and pinging and license server issues related to anti piracy measures. No one want to talk about that? OK, I'll spare you...other than just to mention that while you were sitting in front of your computer wrestling with slow posting time and software related errors, Joshies priority was not your pain. The Priority was his bottom line; making sure his software wasn't being pirated.

Personally, I don't care if he's taken a job with CL. I would feel sorry and contempt for CL were it true. CL, you can learn a lot from (speaking of MILITARY) from the MILITARY by how sift out traitors. You're only as strong as your weakest link.

I don't believe the rumor, and I don't give a shit about it either; I'm going to go watch Peyton Place on DVD and that should meet my need perfectly when I can't live without pointless melodrama. I don't believe Joshua has the integrity to stand up like a real man and be accountable for what he started. Kevin took it like a full grown man, a real man, a man of character. Joshua's character has been evident all along, and most of us just sat by hoping and praying that the poster would simply be up and running soon while you (Joshua) were doing God knows what and where; you had nearly 1000 paying customers here who expected you to deliver on your promises. If you're not laughing, you should start now. Really, would CL actually defer to a man like Joshua to help them "fight spam"...a man who's behaved more like an arrogant brat and a liar? More likely they understand our boy Joshua's psyche and have determined that he's a classic canary who's going sing-a-song he wrote to the tune of his customers information slowly leaking to CL.

Well. Some of us, those not in denial, now understand that our trust in your company was misplaced. I expect to see a decent exodus. For those of you who still need Troopal, my heart goes out to you, really it does.

There have been several times that I've wanted to really say something. The first time I did, instead I simply downgraded to regular membership because pro membership was, and is, a complete mirage. For 39.99 per month access, to tech support is not out of the question, it's actually pretty realistic across the board on other forums; but no, Joshua gave birth to a perk in the form of Pro Membership itself, and then named it worth 80 per month, then promised more perks to come, and then happily collected 80 per month from each and every bamboozled drooling member so riled up with excitement that we fell all over each other to get to pay 80 per month. Yeah, I admit it. I drooled. Tom Sawyer would be proud, Joshua.

What perks? IP Rental? that should have been something everyone could use. A real perk would have been having a poster that actually performed miracles, if you know what I mean, and some of you do wink wink--a poster that outperformed the 39.99 Reg membership by leaps and bounds and circumvents.

I ask you Pro members: where are/were the perks? I spent most of my time a member of this community asking myself "am I just missing the point here; where's the perks? maybe I should just shut up and wait; be patient and wait" I waited and fumed when everytime I lost money because MILITARY INSTALLATIONS had failed us. And I waited more, the epitome of patience. Well, Pro membership and Regular membership offer exactly the same level of features, only Pro has a blue name. A blue name by golly! I could never really figure out just exactly how that blue name benefitted me in any way shape or form.

Perks Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

And then there's this: the software I paid for, which I agreed per Troopals terms (because I understood that the poster was going to be stable and that my 80 dollars a month was going to provide some delicious perks). I didn't agree to be locked out of the forum after you were hacked, Joshua, and I didn't agree that I wanted to wait 2 weeks to get an email telling me how to get back in, nor did I agree on the additional week of having to perform mental link gymnastics when my password kept reverting back to where it was, thereby making it impossible to log in in under half an hour or remain logged in.

That said, I paid for my software, but you're going to take it away because I agreed to your terms. Your terms. Yeah, baby, I know what your terms are, and so do other people. I hope and pray that those people who just aren't ready to admit that Troopal is a ship sinking will find other ways to get by. Again, my heart goes out for you if you're leery and wondering how you're going to get by. Me? I'm taking a stand and getting the fuck out of here before I have to spank myself for being so naive.


Nov 14, 2009

about me

Scam {me|us} once, shame on you.
Scam {me|us} twice, shame on us both

Some people chain smoke, some people drink too much, and some people seem to be addicted to Stupid. I'm addicted to an impulse that literally forces me to remark upon Stupid.

If it makes you feel better...Take consolation in the fact that every time I write a post here it shortens my life span by at least 1 month.

You're welcome to contribute here. Comments that disagree with my opinion are subject to be deleted, just because I can! In fact I might delete your whole history {TAKE THAT, NUZZIE}


Nov 12, 2009

A boring Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy is {stronger than morphine|not nearly as serious}

Privacy Policy Statement, COMMIN' UP!

This is the web site of Troopal Sucks|Craigslist Posting Software. Our postal address is {A-73.10.67, SAN SEBAZTIAN|WHAT?|VAN HALEN|PANAMA}

I/We can be reached via e-mail at or you can reach us by telephone at: 0110001001110101011011000110110001110011011010000110100101110100

For each visitor to our Web page, our Web server automatically recognizes no information regarding the domain or e-mail address. We collect the domain name and e-mail address (where possible) of visitors to our Web page, the e-mail addresses of those who post messages to our bulletin board, the e-mail addresses of those who communicate with us via e-mail, aggregate information on what pages consumers access or visit, user-specific information on what pages consumers access or visit, information volunteered by the consumer, such as survey information and/or site registrations.

The information we collect is disclosed when legally required to do so, at the request of governmental authorities conducting an investigation, to verify or enforce compliance with the policies governing our Website and applicable laws or to protect against misuse or unauthorized use of our Website, to a successor entity in connection with a corporate merger, consolidation, sale of assets or other corporate change respecting the Website and . With respect to cookies: We use cookies to store visitors preferences, record user-specific information on what pages users access or visit, customize Web page content based on visitors' browser type or other information that the visitor sends.

If you do not want to receive e-mail from us in the future, please let us know by or From time to time, we make the e-mail addresses of those who access our site available to other reputable organizations whose products or services we think you might find interesting. If you do not want us to share your e-mail address with other companies or organizations, please let us know by calling us at the number provided above. From time to time, we make our customer e-mail list available to other reputable organizations whose products or services we think you might find interesting. If you do not want us to share your e-mail address with other companies or organizations, please let us know by or We collect no information that isn't otherwise stated. If you supply us with your postal address on-line you will only receive the information for which you provided us your address. Persons who supply us with their telephone numbers on-line or N/A. With respect to Ad Servers:

We do not partner with or have special relationships with any ad server companies {AS OF NOW}. From time to time, we may use customer information for new, unanticipated uses not previously disclosed in our privacy notice. If our information practices change at some time in the future we will contact you before we use your data for these new purposes to notify you of the policy change and to provide you with the ability to opt out of these new uses, we will post the policy changes to our Web site to notify you of these changes and provide you with the ability to opt out of these new uses. If you are concerned about how your information is used, you should check back at our Web site periodically, we will post the policy changes to our Web site to notify you of these changes and we will use for these new purposes only data collected from the time of the policy change forward.

If you are concerned about how your information is used, you should check back at our Web site periodically. Customers may prevent their information from being used for purposes other than those for which it was originally collected by e-mailing us at the above address. Upon request we provide site visitors with access to all information [including proprietary information] that we maintain about them, unique identifier information (e.g., customer number or password) that we maintain about them, transaction information (e.g., dates on which customers made purchases, amounts and types of purchases) that we maintain about them, communications that the consumer/visitor has directed to our site (e.g., e-mails, customer inquiries), contact information (e.g., name, address, phone number) that we maintain about them , a description of information that we maintain about them, no information that we have collected and that we maintain about them. Consumers can access this information by e-mail us at the above address. Upon request we offer visitors the ability to have inaccuracies corrected in contact information, unique identifiers, communications that the consumer/visitor has directed to the site.

Consumers can have this information corrected by sending us e-mail at the above address. With respect to security: and N/A. If you feel that this site is not following its stated information policy, you may contact us at the above addresses or phone number.

Nov 11, 2009

Troopal Sucks - Official EZ Link Post Page {INHALE}

This just in from headquarters: Troopal officially sucks. This part of the weird and twisted saga of Joshua McClure and his cl poster isn't a rumor :: Troopal sucks and it should really have an official Troopal Sucks™ archive easily accessible in chronological order ... or some order of some kind.

Nov 12, '09 — a very boring privacy policy

Nov 14, '09 — all about me

Nov 16, '09 — Craigslist Marketing Software - Joshua McClure

Nov 17, '09 — Joshua McClure :: whois
Nov 18, '09 — craigslist marketing software
Nov 20, '09 — Joshua's Troopal Strategy Sucks  
Nov 22, '09 — Troopal strategies has legal issues :: oxy moron alert