Nov 22, 2009

How to Earn Lots of money online scamming people by selling Troopal craigslist marketing software

... and what I really want you, The Buyer, to consider:

Why is Joshua McClure raising his prices on his craigslist marketing software when he's being sued by craiglist for selling that software? Is he crazy? Is he desperate? Well yes to both - and it is beginning to appear that he hopes to earn lots of money online scamming as many people as humanly possible {by using 1 hand again|using both hands this time} and as quickly as possible before his runs out.

Deafndumbant Joshua McClure is pretty cunning :: "cunning": not to be confused with intelligent or thoughtful or being in possession of native wit ...

Buyer beware :: If you, The Buyer, are searching Google to find a craigslist marketing software solution to automate your craigslist postings; do you really want to buy your software from someone who is being sued by craigslist for selling craigslist marketing software? The quick answer to this question is: you may have no choice :: as of this writing all the major craiglist marketing software companies are currently being sued by craigslist - and they are

CLAD aka John Doe :: google for more info
clbotpro aka John Doe  :: keep googling
Troopal aka Troopal Strategies, Inc., TOM Games, Inc., Joshua McClure :: if you're regular reader of this blog or a ripped off consumer of Troopal's then skip the Google part

If you're looking for craigslist posting software to automate your craigslist postings then quite {frankly|boldly} I suggest you either check out CLAD or clbotpro. Why? Typically in these types of lawsuits attorneys will subpoena the defendant's customer information :: well they can ask John Doe for this information until the cows come home; how successful they are in actually obtaining this information is directly related to both the integrity of the defendant and/or how easy it is to figure out: who is John Doe? In the case of Joshua McClure and Troopal Sucks, conveniently located {BEHIND MILITARY LINES|IN A CEASE AND DESIST ORDER ADDRESSED TO YOU, THE BUYER, SERVED PIPING HOT DIRECTLY TO  YOUR FRONT DOOR!} ...

Note: I'm not a big fan of craigslist's litigious habits—suing everyone autoposting software company they can get their hands on {while they grant wide birth to every prostitute on planet earth, making it easy as 1-2-3 to create a virtual ecommerce sex empire.} In addition to spending so much time and money suing the creators of autoposting tools—craigslist could very well choose to spend as much time and money shutting down the illegal prostitution on craigslist as they do fighting spam on craigslist.

... what this could mean to you, The Buyer, is that all of your personal information may very well be turned over into the hands of the plantiff's attorneys. In these types of cases the plantiff's attorneys typically attempt to cut a deal with the defendant::troopal::in exchange for {reduced legal damages?} by :: you guessed it :: pressuring the deafndumbant to turn over your customer information. What could this mean for you, The Buyer? It could mean that your personal customer information could be used to pester you, The Buyer ... which is not necessarily a big deal, but you never know. Why take the chance: and help Joshua McClure spam his hungry bank account with oodles of your cold hard $$$. Oh I'm sure he started out with good intentions ... yet it's hard to dismiss the fact that he did lie about his infrastructure just to gain your trust and get your business {so that he could set your credit card to auto-suck your precious money, every month.}

A lil disclaimer please: craigslist marketing software aka autoposting tools in of themselves are not inherantly bad—for crying out loud, hello: earth to craigslist, come in! They can cut down on redundant tasks and free you to spend more time building your business {ask any realtor or small business owner who uses one.}

So if you, The Potential Buyer, decide to automate your craigslist postings then do ask yourself this. All software being sorta equal anyway :: I'll get to the comparison chart later :: would you rather do business with a John Doe or Troopal Strategies, Inc., TOM Games, Inc., Joshua McClure aka Troopal sucks? The answer to this question can be found by investigating the integrity of the defendant—in this case known as Troopal Strategies, Inc., TOM Games, Inc., Joshua McClure. You've been warned.

Anywho and whereforto, Joshua McClure is busily raising prices on his cl posting software forum membership, being sued by craigslist for selling his cl posting software, and happily taking your money — while in contact with craigslist — and entertaining the financial logic of turning over his entire customer list ... which incidentally, was compromised once already after was hacked weeks ago. A hacking; a leaking of confidential customer information - customer information that Joshua could have protected by keeping his customer database on that non-existent "back up server" he both: lied about having in place and—used this very lie to bamboozle then scam people into believing that his company was offering a secure and private product.

Anyone with half of a brain would cease and desist
— but not Joshua McClure and his ... uh ... Troopal Strategies.
Brazen & stupid, and stupidly brazen, he has also recently raised prices  

{wtf alert}

As of the writing of my last post ::
Regular Membership has been raised from $39.99
to a wallet smashing, eye ball confounding $59.99!

Troopal's Legal issues, and Joshua McClure's morality aside, this price hike just begs the question: are Troopal's current paying forum members getting better customer service now that potential buyers are being asked to pay $59.99 monthly? {also please note: buyer be aware: if you're stupid enough to fall for this and decide to buy this software, agree to these expensive terms, use this software and love it, make money with it, but then figure out that the monthly forum membership is a total scam ... too bad. Be prepared to lose access the the license server this software connects to and thereby: lose your ability to use the software—wow what a deal, sign me up now} Also, be aware, due to craigslists recent major changes :: to be discussed in depth next time we get together :: using craigslist is not as easy as it was a mere month ago and one would think that when a company's entire business model is under hostile attack, well that might be the time to woo new clients in with lower prices and solid customer support in place. Joshua has decided that this tact is not going to serve him and his wallet - as for his customers (who incidentally, should be irate and willing to attempt to make Joshua accountable) I'm sorry, but you people are really pathetic to lie down and let Joshua get away with this.

Joshua's price increase; the timing here alone is
compelling evidence for the exponential growth of stupidity and scandalousness

 Coinkydink; or desperado SCAMMING ALERT? 
You decide.

{click the image above to convert your wallet into an empty container!}

Please note: comments are open. Tell me I'm wrong.

Updated as of Nov 25, '09: looks like Troopal Strategies' Joshua McClure the prices of his craigslist ad poster prices once again (note to self: see an opthamologist soon.) But more likely - he has opted to no longer publically advertise its cost. Rest assured however, there is a cost for those services - and possibly a few hidden costs for you if you decide to make that purchase. Happy "Thanksgiving ..."


0 {converted}: