Joshua McClure - we demand Troopal sucks no more!
Joshua McClure, self proclaimed SOCIAL MEDIA GURU :: INTERNET MARKETING STRATEGIST :: and founder of Craigslist Posting Software - Troopal Sucks {Hard|And Then Sucks $80 Dollars From Your Credit Card Each Month; Billed As "Pro Membership"} would have made Tom Sawyer proud. Anywho, let's just begin to discuss how bad Joshua sucks.
What exactly is an "internet marketing strategissst"?
wikipedia defines strategist as: a person skilled in designing and planning action and policy to achieve a major or overall aim.
overall aim. So...then...logically, it would follow that part of the "overall aim" of a competent and smart internet marketing strategist would be to create a sustainable income. So. What's the deal with all the short spurts; those startup-then-fizzles?
Just visit his forum and you'll see that it's ghosted. It looks like unstable territory ahead. Can I offer you an $80 donation.
FACT: Joshua mcclure has been been a very naughty boy and busily bamboozling his customers out of $80 dollars a month to be a "Pro member" on his now completely useless and unmanned forum :: Tell me I'm wrong.
then at least do yourself a favor and downgrade from pro to reg
Pull your head out...
stop being lied to and lead on!
Don't be an idiot.
Stop giving Joshua McClure
your money for this Pro member B.S.
Demand pro member features.
Demand accountability from Joshua.
Demand that he deliver the goods :: {YEAH RIGHT|AS IF}
You are going to keep on throwing away your $$$$ once a month.
Go ahead then, be an idiot despite the fact that:
Deep deeeeep downnnnn troopal sucks
THE COMPANY :: wikipedia defines company as: a
Who is Troopal Sucks?
Troopal Strategies, Inc. is based in Panama City, Panama. Troopal was formed by a group of EAPD users and licensed the software rights after EasyAd, LLC. was sued by Craigslist and stopped updating EasyAd Poster. Troopal Strategies is in no way affiliated with EzAd, LLC., Mesiab Labs, or Craigslist. The support team resides all over the world with the headquarters located in beautiful Panama City, Panama. The laws of Panama protect Troopal from being sued under U.S. law by Craigslist. Additionally, Our poster does not agree to the Craigslist Terms of Use and opt all EAPD users out of agreeing to the Craigslist Terms of Use automatically.{END TRANSMISSION}
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